Avenged Sevenfold is a band from Huntington Beach, California, United States. They started out as a metalcore band, but have since moved towards hard rock.
The band was formed in 1999. Avenged Sevenfold’s first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was recorded when the band members were eighteen years old. It was originally released on their first label, Good Life Recordings. After lead guitarist Synyster Gates (also known by Brian Haner Jr.) joined the band, the introductory track “To End The Rapture” was re-recorded with Gates playing, and the album was re-released on Hopeless Records. Their follow-up album, entitled Waking the Fallen, was also released on Hopeless Records and was awarded a positive rating in Rolling Stone magazine. Shortly after its release, Avenged Sevenfold were signed to Warner Bros. Records.
City of Evil, the third album which was released on June 7 2005, strayed from metalcore, and instead headed more towards heavy metal and adds a harder rock sound with influences ranging from various bands. During the recording of City of Evil, M. Shadows’ vocal styling changed to focus more on melodic singing rather than hardcore screaming. Some cite the change in vocal style as consequence of vocal chord damage (that resulted in subsequent surgery) during a tour supporting Waking the Fallen. Shadows denies the injury as being the reason. In the “All Excess” DVD, producer Mudrock clarifies this subject and affirms this is not the reason why the band changed style.
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Avenged Sevenfold
1.Critical Acclaim
2.Almost Easy
6.Unbound (The Wild Ride)
7.Brompton Cocktail
9.A Little Piece of Heaven
10.Dear God
City of Evil
1.Beast and the Harlot
2.Burn It Down
3.Blinded in Chains
4.Bat Country
5.Trashed and Scattered
6.Seize the Day
8.The Wicked End
9.Strength of the World
Waking the Fallen
1.Waking the Fallen
2.Unholy Confessions
3.Chapter Four
5.Desecrate Through Reverance
6.Eternal Rest
7.Second Heartbeat
8.Radiant Eclipse
9.I Won't See You Tonight, Pt. 1
10.I Won't See You Tonight, Pt. 2
11.Clairvoyant Disease
12And All Things Will End
Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
1.To End the Rapture
2.Turn the Other Way
3.Darkness Surrounding
4.The Art of Subconscious Illusion
5.We Come Out at Night
6.Lips of Deceit
7.Warmness on the Soul
8. matchesAn Epic of Time Wasted
9.Breaking Their Hold
10.Forgotten Faces
11.Thick and Thin
13.Shattered By Broken Dreams
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